Soil samples & water samples

These tests are Subcontracted to Dubai Municipality approved Accredited Laboratories;

Soil Samples: Heavy Metals, Cyanide, Phosphate, TPH, Phenols total, SVOCs Inc TOC &

PAH, BTEX, Sulphate water Soluble, E-Coli, pH value, Polychlorinated Biphenyls, etc.….

Water Samples: Heavy Metals, Cyanide total, Phosphate, TPHCWG, Phenols total, SVOCs

inc TOC & PAH, Sulphate water Soluble, E-Coli, pH value, Polychlorinated Biphenyls,

Organo Pesticides etc.….

Air Monitoring and Sound Monitoring also part of Environmental Activities in various

places of Middle East. (Indoor and Outdoor)